I made a decent Castle and also made Clint Bellanger's armor items have transparent backgrounds. I need to collect more items, and armor for Dusk but for now I think there's enough to make at least the first continent in Dusk!!
Here's all the sprites and items I've collected for Dusk so far. Credit goes to Redshrike, Jetrel, Hyptosis, Clint Bellanger, BartK, Antifarea, Mumu, ArtisticDude, Zabin, Tracy, Surt, Battle for wesnoth, Monster RPG2, especially OpenGameArt and more that I can't remember ATM. I'll write up a proper license file ASAP.
I felt bad since I've talked about Dusk a little on OGA, but nothing to show for it. I thought this guy Lou would have at least hosted it for a month so I put word out on my submissions and amazingly a member of OGA's community "Redshrike" remembered Dusk. I checked everyday to see if Lou had the server up, and I did log onto his server once but instantly it went down. I think he's been using the buggy sourceforge files. Lou never did anything except get my hopes up and I haven't herd from him since October 20. I feel bad because Redshrike and his bro remembered Dusk but nothing is available to look at to bring back the old memories. So I've decided to put together a Dusk world with nice looking graphics and most of Redshrikes RPG enemies. Here's some screenshots to bring back the old memories guys =]
I'll have a video made soon-ish showing some neat features in Dusk, like players and mobs could be invisible so you have to cast "detect invis" to see them. Storing money at the bank, when you pull the sword from the stone the tile changes to a stone with no sword. Simple things like that I'll show off in the next video. Oh and if you watched that last video, please reboot yourself..that video sucked!